Plastic kits - one thing going through my childhood...and one day my uncle asked me if I don't want to try real planes. "Real planes?, why not?" I said. So it beginned...one-axis controlled gliders...two-axis controlled gliders...many competitions, slightly gained the atmosphere of modellers comunity.
...but yes - there is no other way - gliders cannot be enaugh to satisfy...they are just intermediate step to engine-powered planes. After some first trainers the final vote was clear - aerobatics! The first trainer powered by 6,5ccm two-stroke. Exciting moments of sweet smelling beginnings....with the support of my father, which became my supporter, patron and mechanic for crucial row of next years.
From training on our local airfield slightly to first F3A national and later also international competitions - I started to gain first experiences...although with the results at the end of result lists :-) But always, from pure begginnings with the planes that are own designed and built.
And although my beginnings were connected with Webra 61 LS found under the Christmas tree :-), – then came first milestone – membership in Czech national F3A team and it gained such kind of GRAUPNER sponzorship - major part of hardware equipment including at that time top two-stroke engine OS Hanno Special. So now it starts to be serious! :-)
First participation at F3A worldchampionship, in that year as the part of such "aerolympic games" together with F3D and F3C in Nötsch Austria. Same technology, same equipment, new design, new experiences, new hopes for the next years...
...next years, next European championship - in Bendern Liechtenstein...with the Rhein stream on the backround on that beautiful airfield...and the first year Czech national champion. But at the back of my head - wouldn't the four stroke tune with this sound much better?
Yes, it would – so switchover to fourstroke, this sound gurgles over my training airfield and is much more likeable for all deers and hares near the airfield :-) They can also admire brand new design and structure, original - as usual. First Europe championship on Czech teritory in Krnov in 1996...came out well...already with new ideas and uprage on new plane for the season.
New plane, new design, golden age...with such pleasant confidence that I will be national champion :-) All runs like hell. On the world championship in Poland's Deblin appeared several unusual designs that had fixed wheels and more bulbous fuselage. Yes, this is the direction for the next year designs...
It is here – nicely buxom fuselage, swept wing more in front than back - such experimental style of those times. Very nice plane but on european championship in Fano in Italy I actually wasn't so succesful and satisfied. Life years and common issues became a little harder and time that can be devoted to F3A, slightly decreasing...
Nicely buxom fuselage had still modification into less buxom fuselage, four stroke sound is finally replaced with two stroke one and European championship in Belgium 2000 is actually my last championship…different life phases are calling...
...and I heared out these callings - family, children's needs, family house as the creation of the place for our life...aside from this an employment at composite ultralight factory – I started to collect this laminating kind of skills and experiences – balsa will be probably substituted in my models...and the first composite fuselage from the solar system arrived – Mercury. I believe that the next planets will follow...
...yes, surely will...after intermission in responsible continuing family life, come back to F3A issue, new wings to original fuselage molds, with electric and Venus is here. No excessive hopes for any results on competitions but pure joy from the flying, from building, from clear mornings on the airfield.
Longing for comeback - not for any competition results and successes...just for being there, on the airfield, refresh earlier contacts, friendships. Longing again for time spent in a workshop where something brand new arises...some brand new F3a plane that fully fits into current requirements. So if without any pilot successes aspirations, better to enter back as the producer of planes - producer always going against a crowd. The firstone is here - The Wave / The Globe.